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Love Psalm 愛之詩篇系列


Postpartum repair massage oil 產後修復按摩油(妊娠紋消除)


「And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.」 ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:14‬


‭ 「最重要的是要有愛,愛能把一切完美地聯合在一起。」 ‭‭歌羅西書‬ ‭3:14







Love Psalm 愛之詩篇Postpartum repair massage oil 產後修復按摩油

  • 藉由按摩這種每個人都會的薩滿療癒,適量的提抹勻油在需要按摩處,搭配善意的心念與手計,即可達到放鬆與舒緩不適的效果,療癒身體的同時,也給皮膚自然豐盛的滋養。







  • Love Psalm 愛之詩篇系列,是針對媽媽們與寶寶們設計的,所以價格上比一般按摩油還便宜,成分上反而更高級,這是我對天下母嬰的祝福~ 願主保守祝福,所有的媽媽與寶寶都能在愛中彼此相連,平安喜樂健康!

About Us

Provide a variety of goods that heal the body and mind The products provided include space purification perfume and blessing spray with spiritual meaning of angel blessing,  There are seven chakra oils and universal creams corresponding to the energy of the central axis of the human body! Provide exclusive tailor-made, exclusive use of chakra oil or healing oil. And sacred aromatherapy card divination and tarot divination, Because of his belief in Christianity, prayers and blessings come from the Lord.

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